49 Hungarian Orthopedic Congress |

(8-10 June 2006) |
Congress in Budapest subject: spine |


"Praca (Abstract) na temat etiologii skolioz tzw. idiopatycznych opublikowana w materiałach Konferencji SOSORT - 3rd International Conference on Conservative Management of Spinal Deformities and Scientific Meeting of the Study Group on Scoliosis Orthopaedic and Rehabilitation Treatment, Poznań / Poland, 7-8.04.2006" |

Letter from Prof. Franz Grill (Head of Orthopaedic University Department in Vienna/Austria). On 10th November 2000 Prof. T. Karski gave two lectures on etiology of the so-called idiopathic scoliosis for orthopaedic surgeons in Austria [Orthopadisches Spital Speising GmbH, Speisinger Strasse 109, Wien]. Above letter of confirmation of presented etiology. |

The correspondance / questions from prof. Viktor Bialik - Haifa (Israel) and my explanation to his questions. "... even in situation of abduction contractures of the right hip (connected with flexion and external rotation contractures) the following can protect against so-called idiopathic scoliosis: 1/ permanent habit of standing "on free" on the left leg, 2/ permanent habit to sleep in fetus position, 3/ active sport, 4/ walking with "toes in" (not nice but protect the spine). In these situations the contracture does not influence development of scoliosis...". |
Letter from Prof. Henri Bensahel/Paris (EPOS) 25 July 2005 with confirmation of proper exercises in therapy of the so-called idiopathic scoliosis introduced in Lublin/Poland |
Bratislava/Slovak Republic, January 2004 - Book of "Pediatric Orthopaedics" of Prof. Milan Kokavec (President of Slovak Orthopedic Society since January 2006, Head of Pediatric Orthopedic Department in Bratislava) - new screening for scoliosis, new tests according to Prof. Karski included in his book. There are: "checking of the abduction contracture of the right hip - new test" and "the side-bending test" (Lublin test). |
Od: "MUDr.Mařík"
Do: "'Prof. T. Karski'"
Temat: RE: Greetings from Lublin to Praha
Data: 30 sierpnia 2004 17:51
Prague, August 30, 2004
Dear Professor Tomasz Karski, dear friend,
We are planning The 5th Prague-Sydney Symposium in October 13, 2004 and with Alena we will take part at the Paediatric and Biomechanical congresses in Czech Republic. I go on (with my co-workers) with the region education courses "Deformities of the spine" for practical paediatricians (still Brno, Plzeň, Hradec Králové) where I will again mention the explanation of biomechanical influence onto the development of the so-called "idiopathic scoliosis" and its prevention and a method of treatment according to Karski (Lublin/Poland).
Best greetings from Prague
Sincerely Yours, Ivo Mařík
Post SICOT Course in Havana/Cuba in 2004 for Latin America orthopaedic surgeons on etiology and new rehabilitation exercises of the so-called idiopathic scoliosis - organiser Prof. Rodrigo Alvares Cambras |
The recent letter from prof. Ian Stockes from University of Vermont (USA) with confirmation of the III-rd group of so-called idiopathic scoliosis (scoliosis without curves but with "rigid spine" and "back pain").
Od: "Dr. Kenneth Cheung"
Do: "'Prof. T. Karski'"
DW: lcheung2@netvigator.com
Temat: RE: Many thanks after meeting in Hong Kong 2004
Data: 19 października 2004 10:56
Dear Prof Karski,
I have been examining patients with scoliosis in the clinic yesterday, I also agree that the majority of them seem to have an abduction contracture on the right side. Will keep you informed.
Dr. Kenneth M C Cheung FRCS, FHKCOS, FHKAM(Orth)
Associate Professor, and Honorary Consultant
Deputy Chief, Division of Spine Surgery
Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology
University of Hong Kong Medical Centre
Pokfulam Road, Hong Kong
From: Peter Tisovsky
To: tkarski@dsk.lublin.pl
Sent: Monday,January 31,2005 9:01
Subject: scoliometer
Dear Professor,
For now, I am sending you copy of my study, which I made on 680 children with scoliometer, you can see how can be valuable using the quantification of Adams forward bending test, or [Karski] side bending test (increasing sensitivity and specificity of the tests), especially in reducing referral rate to orthopaedic examination, or reducing false positive cases, and therefore reducing unnecessary spine radiograph.
Best regards to you, your wife, all your Department, dr Peter Tisovský (Slovakia / Bratislava)
Prof. Tomasz Karski - Key-Note Speaker of "The Second Chinese International Scoliosis Symposium" (22 May 2005) - Certification |
The letter (page one) from Prof. Marc Asher from University of Kansas Medical Center from 13 February 2006 with confirmation of Lublin/Polish observations. |
The letter (page two) from Prof. Marc Asher - Observations according to "rotation movement" in etiology of the so-called idiopathic scoliosis (Prof. T. Karski). |

(left - up) The Second Chinese International Scoliosis Symposium, 22 May 2005 - Prof. Tomasz Karski in Program
(left - down) IRSSD Congress 2002, Athens/Greece - Prof. Martha Hawes (Arizona /USA) original drawing after Prof. Karski lecture: "Biomechanical Etiology of so called Idiopatic Scoliosis" - "STOP BEFORE THE WHOLE HOUSE IS ON THE FIRE" (American proverb) = "Discovery of etiology of so called idiopathic scoliosis enables causative prophylaxis".
(right) Course on Etiology of the so-called Idiopathic Scoliosis in Szeged/Hungary in June 2003 |