So-called idiopathic scoliosis
SKOLIOZA / SCOLIOSIS (4) Examination in scoliosis / TESTS POLISH VERSION
(1) So-called idiopathic scoliosis
(2) Development of scoliosis
(3) Types of scoliosis
(4) Examination in scoliosis / TESTS
(5) Old "wrong" treatment (pitfalls)
(6) New rehabilitation exercises / RESULTS
(7) Opinions - reports from parents
(8) List of lectures
(10) Scoliosis - article
(11) Publications
(12) Others illnesses
Out Patients Clinic
(14) Scoliosis in English  English version
(15) Skoliose in Deutsch  Detush version
Letters from abroad  English version
(17) Article published in USA & Canada 2013-2021
Déformation scoliotique / France  
Scoliosis in Spanish / Escoliosis en Español 
ABC of scoliosis 1995-2007
Scientific Curriculum Vitae Tomasz Karski
Orthopedic & Rehabilitation Calendar 2024
Orthopedic & Rehabilitation Calendar 2025

Partner / książki / books:

(4) New examination for the discovery of the early stages of scoliosis - see also "Scoliosis in English" - click on the link on the left.


Examination for the discovery of the early stages of scoliosis:  


1/ Test of adduction of both hips (in extension position of joints). Limited adduction of the right hip - "three models of 'hip movements' - deciding about the "types of scoliosis - I epg, II/A epg, II/B epg, III epg.


2/ Often plus flexion contracture of hips/right hip (Elly-Dunkan test, or Staheli test or Thom test), often plus external rotation contracture of the right hip.


3/ Shape of the spine (of the whole body) in flexion, round shape - good, stiff and straight "line of spine" - the beginning of scoliosis.


4/ "Bending test for scoliosis" - Adams/Meyer Test.


5/ "Side bending test for scoliosis" - Karski/Lublin Test => it is modified "Adams&Meyer Test".

Opinion about "Karski/Lublin Test" in "Letters from abroad" > letter from Bratislava/Slovak Republic/Prof. L. Rehak & Dr Peter Tisovsky: "...this side bending test for scoliosis is better - we see increasing of the sensitivity and specificity of the tests...". We use this test in Slovakia since 2000 - Prof. Milan Kokavec a kol. "Vybrane kapitoly z detskej ortopedie" (Book in Slovak language) ", Bratislava, 2003.


6/ Rotation movements of the body - comparison of internal rotation / versus external rotation - of hips in "standing position" of child with feet close together (new test - 2006).


7/ "Standing at ease" - on the right leg [scoliosis] or on the left leg [safe for spine].


8/ Symmetry or asymmetry of the waist  - clinical picture different in I epg "S" double scoliosis - with stiffness of spine and with gibbous costalis [other name of "S" deformity in I epg: "lordoscoliosis"], different in II/A "C" one curve scoliosis and in II/B "S" double scoliosis (thoracic secondary). In this last group (II/B "S") the spine deformity is without stiffness of spine and without gibbous costalis or minimal [other name of "S" deformity in II/B epg: "ky(i)phoscoliosis"]


9/ Illnesses (e.g.rickets).


10/ Anatomical anomalies of the spine (spina biffida occulta, pectus infundibuliforme). If present - not safe for proper development of spine.


11/ Body build type - asthenic and picnic (bad), athletic (good).


12/ Willingness/intention to participate in sports, yes / take part in sport - good, no take part in sport - bad.    



Data modyfikacji: 2015-06-25 Strona przygotowana przez Prof. dr med. Tomasza Karskiego